AmeriSchools Academy™ Tucson
AmeriSchools Tucson PreK-8 is a caring community with teachers and staff that facilitate opportunities to problem solve through enriched hands-on experiences.
We believe in forming strong connections through positive relationships and effective communication with students and their families to ensure life skills are developed for both academic and personal success.
Our school community prides itself on practicing intentional kindness with support from the Ben’s Bells Kindness Project. As a “kind campus” we recognize and create opportunities for students to show kindness on a daily basis.
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Our off-campus explorations, after school clubs, and monthly family events are key components of what make our school community so great. We believe in forming strong connections through positive relationships and effective communication with students and their families to ensure life skills are developed for both academic and personal success.
- Mathematics
- Science
- Language Arts
- Music Program
- Explorations
- Community Service
- Grand Canyon Exploration
- Renaissance Fair

Average teacher salary (A.R.S. §15-189.05)
Average salary of all teachers employed in the budget year 2024: $41,354
Average salary of all teachers employed in the prior year 2023: $45,168
Increase in average teacher salary from the prior year 2023 -$3,814 Percentage increase: -8.4%
The average salary calculation does not distinguish between new employees and long-term employees’ tenure at the school results in higher earnings.