Yumma North Campus Curriculum
At the Yuma North and South Campus’, the focus is all-inclusive for the well-being of the whole child. For math academics, Engage NY is used with Excel and Imagine Math as practicing skills to help achieve student mastery. For ELA, Kinder through 3rd Level use Reading Street, while 4th Level and up is Novel based with Imagine Reading used as a supplement. Imagine Language and Literacy is used for Kinder – 5th Levels to support student grammar, spelling, reading in context, and patterns in language.
Studies Weekly is the starting point for the subjects of Science and Social Studies and the teachers build out from there. Technology is used daily in the classrooms with each child having a netbook and using Microsoft programs such as Word, Excel, Powerpoint and Teams to enhance their skills. The Special Education Program is inclusive but also works individually with these students to meet minute requirements. Sonday Reading System, Phonics for Reading, along with STAMS and STARS is used in interventions to help support and enhance student skills.
Art, Music and PE are also incorporated for all classes weekly to help give the students a well-rounded education. Art skills are taught based on grade levels starting with the basics, such as primary colors, working on fine motor skills with the younger students and building from there. Music helps kids learn pitches, rhythms, melodies, etc., using different instruments and learning songs for the Holiday performance as well as special occasions. Physical Education helps the students refine their gross motor skills, hand eye coordination as well as teaches them good sportsmanship when engaging in games and activities.
The Yuma North and South Campus’s have also provided many opportunities for students to use the community as a laboratory. This allows students to learn from everything around them as well as to give back to the community. The community participation includes: the Cocopah Indian Tribe, Renaissance Fair, The Humane Society, Food Bank/The Mission, Yuma Territorial Prison, Yuma Historical Crossing Park, Yuma County Library, Yuma Conservation Garden, and Fry’s Food Stores, among others.
Students are also offered a variety of before and/or after school extra-curricular activities including tutoring, yoga, creating music, computers, arts and crafts, chess, literature and art, cooking, and Lego Club to name a few. A competitive sports program with the surrounding Charter and Private schools is also offered for 4-6 students.
AmeriSchools is skill level based. This helps students to be continually challenged wherever they are academically. Students are worked with in the classroom, in small groups and even individually between teachers and paraprofessionals to help with remediation and support their advancement. Many teachers are also available before and after school to help and aide students in mastering the essential skills needed in each grade level.
There is a shared vision for excellence between staff, parents and our administration. All of these pieces working together help us to achieve our goal of each child being successful in showing growth in their academic and social areas. AmeriSchools Academy North was an “A” campus for the 2019 school year with students showing growth even during a pandemic.

areas of focus
- Mathematics
- Science
- Language Arts
- Physical Education
- Art Programs
- Explorations
- Zumba/Dance
- Photography
- Spanish
- Technology
- Cheerleading
- Cooking

Community Explorations Set a Standard
AmeriSchools Academy™ at Yuma has provided many opportunities for students to participate in the community. This allows students to learn from everything around them as well as to give back to the community. We are partners in educating our children. Here are some of the very exciting things scheduled this year at our Yuma Charter School.

Performing Plus school
AmeriSchools Academy™ Yuma celebrates its fourth year as a PERFORMING PLUS school based on the Arizona State Department of Education. Our students are learning and achieving at higher rates as compared to other students across Arizona.

amerischools community participation includes:
- Cocopah Indian Tribe
- Renaissance Fair
- Pumpkin Patch
- Food Bank/Habitat for Humanity
- Yuma Territorial Prison
- Yuma Historical Crossing Park
- Yuma County Library
- Yuma Conservation Garden
- Betty’s Kitchen, a local wildlife area
- Fry’s Food Stores and many others…